Pablo’s interest in international human rights began during high school, where he spent summers volunteering at a small non-profit in rural Rajasthan, India, that organized free educational camps for children who were denied access to education. His experiences in India prompted him to seek-out human rights internships in college, including at the RFK Human Rights Center where he researched LGBTQ rights in Uganda; at Namati, where he focused on citizenship rights of stateless communities in Bangladesh and Kenya; and at the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva, where he published reports on data privacy and the right to food. While enrolled at Boston University, Pablo also created a social advocacy campaign that pushed the administration to enact more stringent and transparent policies around sexual misconduct.

After college, Pablo was able to live in New Delhi and work at the Observer Research Foundation, a policy think tank, where he analyzed issues of citizenship and human rights around the Rohingya crisis. Pablo is excited to continue his pursuit of social justice as a student attorney with the IHRC.

While at USC Gould, Pablo has been active with the Public Interest Law Foundation, the International Law Organization, and the American Constitution Society. Pablo spent his 1L summer interning in the Law Student Honors Program for the New York Enforcement Division of the S.E.C.

“[M]y interest in the IHRC and its mandate stems from a desire to continue working on the front lines of human rights issues through a legal lens. I am especially interested advocacy projects and how I can use legal advocacy to shape policy that will address the systemic inequality that perpetuates human rights atrocities across the globe.”